
Friday, April 07, 2006

A Day in the Life of...a Hawk

photo above taken by my brother
Taking a break from my crochet, I get my digicam and try to get a good shot of the bird. Btw, my brothers and sons ignore my googling and still call it a Hawk. It sounds a lot better than Brahminy Kite, so I'll just call it a Hawk...whatever :p
Anyway, the story goes like this... I was busy crocheting when I heard a little commotion at our driveway. The hawk captured its prey...poor rat!

I didnt see it, but our dogs (the German Shepherd and the Rottweiler) ran towards the Hawk, wanting to attack it. So our helper tried to interfere and the Hawk flew upwards on the roof by the balcony, leaving its dead captive below. I then went out to look and took pictures of the rat and the bird.

I realized the Hawk needed to eat its catch, so I asked that the dogs be caged for awhile.
As expected, once it was quiet below, the Hawk went down to get its meal. I wasnt able to take a shot of it with my malfunctioning camera :( However, it flew just across to the other corner of the lot and began to eat quietly. I was able to get close about 5 feet away, without disturbing it, but sometimes it would stop eating and watched me. So my attempts at taking a good shot were at least partly successful.


  1. Mimi...those pics are incredible. I'm going to show them to my fiance who will be so fascinated with them. Also, I tried to email you about the sandals on my blog today but it wouldn't go thru...could you email me with your email? Mine is

  2. What a majestic bird and fab pictures. I need one of those for the Norwegian Roof Rats the horse farm behind me brings on to my property.

  3. Such a beautiful bird. We don't get Brahminy kites in the UK, so it's always nice to see other folks' local wildlife.

  4. That is awesome. The dogs were probably trying to catch the bird! Or maybe eat the rat. That is so incredible. Aren't you glad birds like that keep the rat and mouse population down? Yuck...

  5. Lucy - thanks for saying that, now I'm inspired to get more into photography and birdwatching ;)
    Deneen - I cant imagine that, maybe the horse farm smells awful too...and Norwegian Roof Rats, eek!
    Lisa - It feels good to be able to share it with anyone and also to see the different varieties from around the world, thanks to the internet!
    Tina - You're right, its nature's way of keeping the balance. And its such a shame, if people would hunt or capture these birds.
    Btw, our dogs are also good for killing rats, but they dont eat those, they've already been so domesticated and are used to commercial dogfood. They'd surely kill the bird if they had the chance, but its unlikely that they'd eat it.

  6. Those are the coolest pictures! We had a hawk/falcon/some other bird of prey in our backyard once. I couldn't get close enough for a good picture though. That must be so cool to have him visit often :D

  7. Yes, Brandy, it is so cool to see that bird here often. It made me appreciate nature again ;)

  8. Wow what an amazing bird! The pictures are wonderful!

  9. Thanks, Stacie! Makes me proud to show them off :D

  10. I wish we had some great birds like that..i love bird watching..even the one in my house :)..great photos.My cat is allways bringing me rats..she thinks they are presents..eekkk.

  11. Wow Mimi! I´ve enjoyed this Animal Planet post! Great pictures!!!

  12. Thank you Shaylen, Raquel and Vik!
    I'm so glad you all liked the photos =)

  13. Fabulous photos!

    I can't say that I feel all too terrible for the rat though, I mean, just imagine if the bird and/or other predator population didn't hunt them - eek!

  14. That is true, Jaye. So I hope these birds continue to populate our place.

  15. Cathy sent me, and that is SUCH a cool bird. It's pretty neat to see lunch AND the bird.

  16. Thanks, Laurie, your pics with the hawk are amazing!


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