
Saturday, November 11, 2006

Crocheted Hat, 10 years ago

I remembered this only now, after I had read Sue's post on making her childrens' costumes.
When my younger son was in pre-school, about ten years ago, I made him a cat costume. Nothing great, but I was proud to use my crochet skills in making this, and that my son was happy about it. Actually I only made a hat and a tail (not in picture) - the gloves, I just cut off the tips of a machine-knitted gloves and hemmed it, and I did the face make-up. I have not seen the hat again, I dont know if its still here...


  1. I love this crocheted costum! What a talented mom, Mimi!

  2. That is so darn cute!

  3. Ahh...memories... =)

    Yup, cool costume, clever idea, cute boy!

  4. Aww! That's so cute! Just adorable!

  5. What a cute costume! He looks so happy in his outfit!

  6. Yes yes this is a very cute hat and tough mittens

  7. Hi Mimi, it looks like you've been bombarded with a bunch of advertisements and websites here. Anyway, I'm just passing by to read and check what's new with you. Have a good day and TC.

  8. Hi Beth! unwanted ads here on my site, I delete it as soon as I can.
    Thanks for stopping by, have a wonderful weekend :)


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