
Saturday, November 18, 2006


Yes, I slept with a stuffy nose, itchy throat, dry eyes and slight fever. I thought a good night's sleep would get rid of it, but still I woke up to this:

photo credit

Its been a long time since I had a cold, now I had to get one at this time of the year...


  1. Oh No! I hope you feel better soon, Mimi. :(

  2. Hope that you get better soon and that you get rid of yours faster than I have been able to get rid of mine. I've had a bad cold and fever all week, but it's finally getting better. Keep the tissues handy! -RachelG, CPC/KPC/CPR

  3. I do hope you feel better, isn't it your birthday? Happy Birthday to you!

  4. Thanks Tina, I think I feel the same as yesterday, so its good that I didnt get worse :p

    Thanks Rachel, Almost everyone I know is getting the colds, but I even thought I was sort of "immune" to it :p

    Thanks Deneen!

  5. Oh dear! Feel better soon!

  6. Oh Mimi Get well Soon!!!
    Happy Birthday and Many Happy returns of the day! I saw Vik's Blog and found out its your Birthday. Have a great day

  7. Oh my, I'm sorry you caught a cold too!
    I've been sick for almost a month now. I had a relapse, and I just can't get rid of the cough. :( Hope you feel better soon... and Happy Belated Birthday, Mimi! :)

  8. I hope you feel better! Happy Belated Birthday!!

  9. I hope you feel better soon!

  10. Thank you Chie, Stacie, and Vik :)
    I did not get worse, so that's good. I think I just need a couple more days of rest and I'll be fine ;)

  11. Its that time of year I think! I've been sick the past few days as well! I hope that you are feeling better now though! Happy Belated Birthday by the way!! *hugs*

  12. Thank you Kimberly!
    Take care *hugs*


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