
Tuesday, January 09, 2007

A couple of "firsts" ;)

Another sack bag, but its just another color of the same design that I did last August. I started and finished this a few days before the year began, and this is my first project shown for this year.

This is me with Yamie Berte, host/producer. I have just been interviewed for a five-minute segment for a local program on net-25! They will feature my crochet hobby and how I was able to develop and enhance it with the use of the internet :p
This is the first time I will be shown on t.v.!
Here is Yamie modeling some of my creations.


  1. How cool is that! Congrats on the tv appearance!

    You are a celebrity! :) I think you are going to have your own craft show this year!!!
    Your crochet works are beautiful.

  3. How exciting Mimi-congratulations!

    I have been meaning to ask, are you selling the Sac pattern eventually?

  4. Mimi did you ever in your dreams think this would happen? How exciting!

    Your latest Sac bag looks great. Is that the copper colored one you had shown in a previous post? Very classy!

  5. Woooooooow!!!Mimi You are going places!!!!Congrats!!!That Sac bag is gorgeous!!!

  6. Thanks everyone!

    Sue, its cool but I wish I was able to look more natural and not stiff :p

    Chie, I do hope I will be able to teach crochet this year. But I cant imagine doing it in front of the camera!

    Deneen, thanks for asking about the sack bag pattern. I do plan to sell it, and I'm just waiting for Coats to put the patterns out for sale.

    Tina, I did think being featured on t.v. was a possibility, but I wasnt sure how and when...I was so surprised just last week, when they asked me if I would agree to be featured.

    Pearlin, this is such a blessing. I hope I will be able to find more crocheting friends and customers because of this ;)

  7. You're a STAR, Mimi....but we already knew that!!! You go, Girl!

  8. Thanks Cathy and Lucy!

    Cathy, I do hope this isnt the first and last time...I know I can do better next time :p

    Lucy, if it werent for blogging friends I would not have thought this was possible ;)

  9. Congratulations, that is awesome...and I love the bag and the shrug!

  10. Thank you Pink! I'm glad you stopped by ;)

  11. Dear Mimi

    So fantastic.So happy to hear your possibilities to learn so many about crochet.Really really happy to hear.You have done so many small but very nice and useful products showing the whole world.

    My best regards

  12. Congradulations Mimi! That is great news! When will it air? So happy for you!!!!!

  13. Congrats Mimi!

    Wow, I'm so proud of the talents of our fellow Pinays. I can't wait to see your interview (if it's possible to see it online)


  14. Thank you ladies!

    Ulla, so many possibilities indeed and its so wonderful to be able to share it to anywhere in the world :D

    Pam, it will aired this Sunday, and be replayed sometime within next week.

    Beth, if you were here we should have been featured together!
    I'll ask my brother if he can make a copy that can be shared online.

  15. Congratulations, Mimi! I'm so proud of you and may I say that you look absolutely lovely, too!

  16. wow Mi! i should come and visit you their in Quezon when i will be in Subic. I will only have a 2-week break in Cebu then i'll be back to Subic. I want to continue and develop my crafting skills but somehow i'm afraid to do some clothing because i might do something wrong or it won't be the exact size. i plan to sell some of my crafts at our office in subic, since there are a lot of women there.:)


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