
Saturday, March 10, 2007

Crochet and music

I just rediscovered something. Crocheting while listening to music, is a good thing when one is bored working in front of the computer. I was looking at my blog and realized that other than googling some news stories, I had been looking only on crochet sites and not much else. Thought I'd try blog-hopping, and clicked on NEXT BLOG. One blog after another, I take a peek. So far, nothing weird or offensive has come out. I wasnt sure if I was just wasting time. But I found myself listening to some music that I like. First one was a chorus song in an Asian language I dont understand on this guy's site. Next, a love song on a lady's site.
This site has a good collection of music videos, from it I discovered one of the best female singers of all time - Eva Cassidy.
I chanced upon the best version of "Somewhere over the Rainbow", a duet by a current singer and a past (deceased) singer. I was really awed by the singing talent of Eva Cassidy - so I went on and searched more on her. Dont miss this, if you havent heard her now's your chance ;)
More on Eva on ABC nightline videos.

Of course, no need to go blog-hopping if one wants only to listen to music, there are more sites like this with endless choice of songs.


  1. Eva Cassidy's voice is beautiful, and her version of "Somewhere Over the Rainbow" is awesome, imo, I'm so glad you found her. Such a tragedy that she died so young.

  2. I am going to make it a point to listen to more music this year. I think that we waste to many brain cells in front of the tv.

    I like the patterns!!

  3. That is why I like crocheting, because I can listen to the music and daydreaming at the same time.

  4. I never even noticed the next blog thingy up top...thanks...I might try that!

  5. Thanks for sharing this Mimi. I had never heard of Eva Cassidy (so sad,) and neither had my husband and he listens to the radio all the time.

    You really crochet in front of the computer, huh? I've never done this. In the winter, I prefer my big comfy chair or the sofa where I can either curl up or stretch out. In the summer, I like to head outdoors to the yard or park but I never even thought of sitting in front of the computer :)


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