
Wednesday, August 08, 2007

Busy Day

This is the view from my sofa where I watch TV and crochet ;) Looks like it isn't going to be a rainy day after all...but it's a welcome break for students (and those who drive them to school) since last Monday and Tuesday, when going to school was difficult because of the rains.

I go outside the door and think its a good day to go to the supermarket or do some window shopping at the mall...
Oops, my car isn't going anywhere today. My brother called on a mechanic to fix it since the oil was leaking. (Now I have a good excuse to go back to the sofa and crochet.)

I also took a snap shot at the construction going on in our place. Work is going full time on my brother's kitchen. Pretty soon he and his g.f's baking business is going to grow...(and maybe our sizes will grow too as we eat the irresistible goodies ;)

Later in the day, I finished another shrug. Unfortunately, its still small :(
...its too tight on my arms.
In case you're wondering, I prefer to take my own pictures on the mirror. Not that I can't find anyone to take the pic, but its much faster this way. And the not so clear pics won't show too much of the flaws ;)

I used up exactly 2 balls of Cannon thread on this one. For the first one (shown on my previous post) I used Anchor Lifestyles thread size 8.


  1. I'm glad the rain has let up-bummer about the car (lucky you have so many brothers to help take care of it).

    Neat about the bakery-do you all live on the same property?

    The shrug would probably fit a young teen (you are so tiny)!

  2. That does stink about the truck, but I am glad that you are so optimistic with your crochet couch. :) Smile!

    My husband always says they are the best roofs. He should know.

  3. Love your window view Mimi! Your shrug looks nice. I agree it's a bit small, but you can always whip up another one :)

  4. I love your window view, too. I haven't had my curtains up for over two years now (no windows I could put them on..) And you are so fast at crocheting! Two shrugs in- what, two days? ;) Maybe you could make some increases in the underarm area to make the sleeve opening a little wider?

    I think I gained two pounds just thinking about a bakery! How exciting. It looks like it will look great.


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