
Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Breezy Shrug 2

This is the second one I made from the same pattern.
A simple design which is easy to make, but still I had to frog it several times to get it right ;)
More details here on my website.

Gene's Breezy Shrug


  1. Very nice picture, Mimi! Love the simple design.

  2. How elegant that is!!

  3. Pretty shrug, Mimi!!
    It's cold and rainy out here today, and I'm jealous of the greens and your sunny weather. :)

  4. Very cute love the color great job. Thanks for the happy bday wishes :)

  5. I am so envious, I have to work fast! By the way, we're working on the same color.

    OT: Was this taken by your son? I am loving the photography.

  6. Wow, beautiful!

  7. very cute and elegant,I can see it working for both a formal time and a more casual event.

  8. It's really cute on you, Mimi! I like them both.

  9. Hi Mimi! My FO is up in my blog now. Please visit it you may copy the picture for your gallery. :D

    I just noticed that your link in the Breezy Shrug is now different from your previous googlepages site? Did you move your online shop?

  10. Yay, I just saw your pics modeling your shrug! I'll go comment in a while...
    Actually, I didn't notice until I've put up the page that I was on another URL of my googlepages. You will see if you make your own website there, you can actually have four more sites with different URLs!


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