
Friday, February 22, 2008

Gold color crochet shawl

What was I thinking? I could use this as a tree skirt someday...hahaha...
Halfway through the project I wasn't sure about the color anymore, but I love the style. And it was easy to make, I couldn't stop.
Wish I had picked a sweet, romantic color like the original one...Though I didn't have anything like that in my stash.
Now about 75% done, I decide to set it aside for a while. It would be easy to finish whenever I want to.
Anyways, here it is so far:

Materials: Cannon cotton thread, size 8
Crochet hook size 5/0, or 3.5mm
Pattern: Eva's shawl by Milobo

Btw, thanks to Pam, Tina, Lily, Christina, Sue and my Sister for the compliments on my cardigan in my previous post. My sis liked it so much, she wanted one too :)


  1. I like the color!!! It reminds me of Daffidils!!
    Makes me think of Spring.

  2. I like the sytle alot! I think the color could go nicely with a pair of jeans. Its very spring!

  3. Thanks knittygirl and Christina, now I'm liking it again...maybe I'll finish it sooner than I think ;)

  4. Cute love the color so cute. Yep so made for spring.:)Great job.

  5. Mimi,
    I am so amazed you work up your projects so quickly the shawl looks great so far.

  6. Thanks Ashley and Lucy for the compliments! Just what I need to get this project done ;)

  7. Oh but it's a very pretty color. It looks nice paired with the shirt.

  8. Thanks Sue!
    It will look pretty much the same when done, but I would love to model it again ;)

  9. It's looking very pretty and the style is simple and elegant. I don't think it will beciome a tree skirt :) . It'll look very pretty on a dress!

  10. Thanks Yasmin! I rarely wear a dress, but maybe I could wear the shawl for a formal occasion (someday)...
    Btw, I think I don't have your address yet. Please email me, thanks!


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