
Friday, May 16, 2008

3rd blogiversary...

Another blogiversary, oh my! Its been three years and 368 posts ago, since this first post. The pictures now look ancient to me - but my blog basically remained the same, like me - same color, same style. I'm a bit old-fashioned as you may have noticed already...
Anyways, some of you had been visiting me here for the past three years, and you're still here now (yay!). Thanks so much for looking and reading and most especially for your inspiring comments! I am so looking forward to sharing a lot more crochet and other stuff with you all.

Btw, I'm not having a blog party this year - no food and drinks, no prizes...
But I am giving you all a crochet flower pattern, which I hope you will enjoy making for yourself or for gifts ;)


  1. happy blog anniversary mimi! as always, you're very generous and very helpful.looking forward to the coming years. congratulations! :)

  2. Thanks Gene! So glad to have met you this past blogging year :)
    Looking forward to seeing you again and sharing more friendship as well as crafting stuff ;)

  3. A very Happy Blogiversary Mimi , wish you many many more!
    It has been a complete pleasure knowing you :)

  4. Thanks Pearlin! You are one of my dear blogging friends, and it certainly won't be the same here if I had not known you :)

  5. Anonymous17 May, 2008

    Happy blogiversary! Three years is a long time! :-) Very cute flower, thanks for the pattern. :-)

  6. Thanks Zuleika! Yes, three years... and I wish this could last a lifetime ;)

  7. WOW Mimi! Happy 3rd blogiversary! I think you started blogging even before I know there is such thing called blog!

  8. Thanks Lily! LOL, I am that old :p

  9. Congrats on completion of three years

  10. Anonymous17 May, 2008

    Congrats, Mimi. I've seen how this has become a lot more than what you thought it would be when you first started it! Since I don't hear from you as often as before (mostly i don't, I do check this site out once in a while to see whats going on with you. Hope all is well with your boys too! :)

    Send my regards to your sister as well (You know who for sure..haha)


  11. Happy Blogiversary. Isn't a joy to look back at all your posts and lovely projects. Wishing continued blogging fun.

    Thank you for the lovely compliment on my knit project.

  12. Congrats happy blogiversary. WOW how time fly by so fast. Keep on blogging.:) I totally love all your things.:)

  13. Anonymous17 May, 2008

    Congratulations on your blogiversary!

  14. Thank you Sheila, Lesa, Riohnna!
    It is more fun to know who's looking and enjoying my blog :)
    Thanks all for your comments!

  15. Congratulations on three years Mimi. I always enjoy your blog. :)

  16. Thanks Tina! Three years of online friendship - can't thank you enough :)

  17. Anonymous18 May, 2008

    Happy Blogaversary!

  18. Thanks Crochet Diva!

  19. Happy Blog-versary!! I am so glad that I have gotten to know you via the blog and the forums - it has been great fun.

  20. Happy blog anniversery dear Mimi.

    I really enjoy you blog and the wonderful friendly contact we have.
    Thank you for the little flower pattern.
    Have a great time

  21. Thanks Kimberly! I'm ever so grateful to you for your kindness three years ago when we hardly knew each other at the forum ;)

    Thanks Ulla! Its amazing getting to know you and seeing all your one-of-a-kind creations in your blog - most specially being the proud owner of one of your handmade purses :)

  22. Congrats on your 3 year blogiversary! !!!

  23. Thanks Pam! Its so wonderful to get to know each other through our blogs. Crochet is just one of the stuff we have in common ;)

  24. Anonymous20 May, 2008

    Congratulations Mimi. Although I came across your blog only last year I can see that you have been a real inspiration for a lot of crocheting ladies. Thank you for sharing your patterns and for always being there, ready to help and give good advice to

  25. Thank you, that makes me feel proud, Rita!
    I am the lucky one, having blog friends from so many different countries!

    Dear Mimi, can´t believe it´s the third year! Time flies... I´m so happy about your blog, otherwise I would have missed the great opportunity life gave me to know you, dear friend.

  27. Belated happy blogiversary, Mimi!! I am so glad you started blogging and have become one of my treasured virtual friends!!

  28. Thank you, thank you!

    Hi Vik, I had a lot of fun keeping this blog going because of having wonderful blogging friends. I feel so lucky to have you as one of them! You keep your crocheting and knitting friends close together and you set the best example for caring and sharing :)

    Hi Cathy, I feel honored to be one of your treasured virtual friends. Through your blog I’m able to see the thrill of acquiring yarn directly from the sheep, and of spinning your own yarn...I learned a lot from knowing you in blogland.

  29. Congratulations, 3 years is a long time to be faithful to blog.

  30. Thank you Ashley! I hope the next 3 years is as good, or better :)


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