
Sunday, May 25, 2008

Congrats to the 2009 Crochet Calendar Contest Winners!

If you're interested in submitting to the 2010 calendar, go to the website for details.
If you want to know what patterns are in the 2009 calendar, there is a link there to the Table of Contents.
And yay, I have two patterns in the 2009 calendar:


  1. Anonymous25 May, 2008

    Congrats! I have only designed one whle pattern myself.

  2. Anonymous25 May, 2008

    and that purse is AWESOME!

  3. Congrats Mimi

  4. Congratulations Mimi! Those are both lovely patterns! It would be very interesting to see how different people make them. Way to go!

  5. Anonymous27 May, 2008

    That's great Mimi.
    For some reason I didn't get around to submitting anything this year!

  6. Thank you all so much!
    I almost couldn't decide what to submit...I couldn't pass up the chance to get the calendar for free, esp. because the shipping to here is more than the selling price of the calendar ;)

  7. Congratulations Mimi. I submitted a couple things this year, too. I didn't get this years calender yet. (I didn't submit anything last year.) Anyway congrats again. I always have a hard time finding the calenders anywhere so it is easier for me to submit something. :P

  8. I'm so glad you did submit your patterns, Tina! And its cool, you've added to your published patterns, and its also cool to get a free copy of the calendar :)

  9. Anonymous28 May, 2008

    Congrats, your patterns are great! I'll take a look at the website. :-)

  10. Congratulations Mimi! Of course, you deserve it! :D


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