
Wednesday, May 07, 2008

Crochet Shrug and Chiffon belly dance hipscarf

The triangle-stitch bolero/shrug I've been working on is now a finished shrug. I will continue working on it for the lower part which will transform it into a bolero ;)

I also want to show here one of the chiffon hipscarfs that I bought a while back. I didn't pay much attention to it and kept in the closet, until my sister came here for a short vacation. Actually, my sis asked if I could make a crocheted version. (Btw, I saw a few patterns for sale on Etsy and was so tempted to buy it...)

I saw the hipscarf for sale here at a nearby store at a low price so I bought two. I gave my sis the red one...though she already bought some at an online (Turkish store) in UK, she didn't have a red one.
Anyways, when my sis and I found time together, we put on our hipscarfs and she taught me some belly dancing moves. Believe me, I instantly loved it...the jiggling of the coins and the music was captivating.
My sister flew back to UK last weekend, and (other than the thought that I'll be missing her so much again...) I thought to myself I'm sure I'd forget the dance moves she taught me. So I searched online for some tutorials, and was thrilled at all the resources that I found online! And that's why I went on and created my Belly Dancing blog to put it all together ;)


  1. I am loving the shrug/bolero. OMG love that hipscarf. I did take up belly dancing years ago. Thinking about doing it again sometime. It did help me to lose a little weight after having my oldest at does work those hips and belly.:) good luck on your fun loving belly dancing:)

  2. Wow... I recently went to a Mediterranean restaurant here in NY which had a live Belly Dance Program... I can imagine how much fun you had :D

    Good Times.

  3. Love the shrug! And are not the belly dancing hip scarves so very fun? I love the little jingling of the coins.

  4. Anonymous08 May, 2008

    I found your blog via Yasmin's do lovely crochet work!!!

  5. Hi everyone, thanks for stopping by!

    Lesa, hope you can take up belly dancing again...There are so many free videos now and doing it at home is quite easy ;)

    ESS, I've never watched a live belly dance number yet...but I'm thrilled that there are a lot of videos on belly dancing available on youtube.

    I do love the belly dance hipscarf, Kimberly! Btw, if you have a photo of yourself in a belly dance costume maybe you can share it with us ;)

    Thanks for the compliment, Preeti!

  6. You've been tagged! See my blog for rules. Love your designs, btw.

  7. Anonymous09 June, 2008

    Oooo owww-I liked your activity:)
    Very interesting, and "dancer's gif"... Hope to hear you soon.This is Life - All together ;)

  8. wooooooooooow
    fantastic >> love your designs

    plz have alook >> this is my hand made

    thank you


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