
Thursday, October 30, 2008

Birthday presents

In the month of November, there are several of us in the family celebrating our birthdays. My father in the 1st week, me in the third week, and a brother and a sister in the 4th week.
But first, today (Oct. 31) is my brother's sweetheart's birthday. She is a pastry chef, so I thought to give her something she can display on her kitchen.
I saw a ceramic figurine of a baker, half kneeling and ready to serve something on a platter. It is cute and only cost me not more than $4. (I bet she doesn't look at my blog...)
As I always want to add something handmade to my gifts, I thought its about time I crocheted a dessert. I searched for cake patterns on ravelry, and I chose this cake from Melissa Mall. I also adapted Sanguine's creation of whipped cream and cherry on top of the cake.

Presenting my gift:

Hmm...don't you wish you could eat that cake?

I would also like to show you what my sister sent me from the U.K. - her birthday gift to me. Its a crochet book, not a popular one - but I chose it myself on Amazon U.K. It seems like a very handy and useful book for designing.

She also sent me some cute little kitty (text) highlighters. As usual, my son got interested and will borrow it for school ;)


  1. You too? I have no less than 6 family members celebrating birthdays in November and with me that makes it 7.

    My cousin on the 13th, my dad 14th, grandfather 25th, me 23rd, my sister and godmother 28th and an aunt 29th. We used to always celebrate at the end of the month.

    Happy birthday to everyone!

  2. That cake does look good. Less fat and calories than the real thing, too. ;) I saw a 'bakerboy potholder' in Original Patterns @ Crochetville. I thought it was pretty cute (especially the doughboy one). url:

  3. That piece of cake makes me want to bite into it :D

  4. Cute cake. I'm a November baby too!

  5. She´ll ask you for the rest of the cake! Who ate it? ;-)

  6. Thanks everyone!

    Hi Jocelyn, the four of us Nov. celebrants I mentioned are only in the immediate family. Don't get me counting on aunts, nieces, nephews, cousins etc...LOL...
    Advance happy birthday!

    Hi Tina, those bakerboy potholders are cute. Another great gift idea for chefs ;)

    Hi Pearlin, I would love to share the cake with you! I know you love to eat...LOL - since you post a lot of food in your blog :)

    Hi Christina, advance happy birthday before I forget. But I suspect you will throw in a party in your blog...LOL...

    Hi Vik! Yes, if she really admires my creation I might make her a whole cake :D

  7. That is GORGEUS!!! (drool drool drool)

  8. craft related gifts are the best!

    and that chocolate cake is yum!

  9. Advance happy birthday, Mimi!

    It's been so long since I checked your blog. I'm glad to read so many updates!

    I changed blog addresses, btw.


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