
Saturday, December 26, 2009

Burn off holiday calories the fun way :)

The 2009 holidays aren't over yet - but here are some tips on getting ourselves back to normal after all the festivities. Whether you find yourself worn-out with all the crocheting/knitting of holiday gifts or tired from all the shopping and cooking; exhausted from partying, overeating and staying up late...maybe its time to go to the gym, or get back into a sport activity.
I thought of getting back to belly dancing.
I found some other free videos on youtube that are easy even for beginners to follow.
Right now I couldn't wait to try all of the basic moves videos. (However, I caught a flu virus and all I have the energy to do is to type this entry.)

Try this one if you're in the mood - I guarantee you'll have fun ;)

Part 1 (more on my belly dancing blog)


  1. i know a free way to burn calories that involves a partner .. in my case my hubby.. but it will be after the baby comes for me cause of my pregnancy complications.. the only side effect is you could get pregnant..LOL..

  2. I agree Mrs. Strain, that could also be a fun and effective way to burn calories...LOL!

  3. They make it look so easy. I did try though. I need to start doing something again. Every time I try to do stomach exercises I end up hurting my back somehow. Maybe I should stick with walking. :P

    I hope you are over your flu virus by now, Mimi. :)

  4. Walking is always good...wish I could do that more. But what I like about the basic moves in BD is that the arm and shoulder exercises relaxes and tones the hands for crocheting ;)
    I like the hip exercises as well, esp. after sitting down in front of the computer for a while.


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