
Saturday, February 26, 2011

Crochet Updates

I just finished the pink lacey shrug sample and will be submitting it to Coats.

I'm almost done with the white shawl for my friend, and hopefully I can give it when we meet next week.

Now of course, I have to start on another design submission...this time its a simple rectangular shawl, since the triangle shawl wasn't accepted. I realize I can do the same pattern but make it rectangular. The simple pattern stitch might work to make this shawl convertible into a shrug and scarf...
we'll see :)

Before I go, let me just share some pics of my favorite dog. Here's Max, one of our extended family's dog; I think he likes me a lot and I like him too ;)
I also look like him sometimes :p


  1. The shrug is very pretty - well done! And the dog is very cute, but I know for sure you are better looking than him. :-)
    Caz :)

  2. Thanks Caz! I don't think Max will agree...hehe

  3. Wow, that shrug is beautiful! You always make such beautiful things, I hope they accept your submission.

    Max is a cutie! He looks like he is modeling.

  4. Thanks Michele and Mindy!

  5. The shrug is beautiful. Is this the Romantic shrug you have on the sidebar or a new design?

    Max is adorable and I don't think you ever would have a frown that big :P

  6. Thanks Deneen, yes its the same design and hope they'll accept it anyways ;)

  7. I thought that shrug looked familiar. ;) I hope they will accept your design.

    Max is so cute and I agree; you are too pretty! :)

  8. Hello Mimi,
    I love your tops and boleros, very nice work.

  9. Thank you Celeste! I'll be looking at your lovely work too :)

  10. Max is adorable! I love dogs who seem to have frowns or sad faces (like pugs and bulldogs). I know they're not always sad or angry, they just look it and need lots of love from the humans.

    I like how this lacey shrug looks! <3 I hope Coats will accept it. Also, I do hope to see this shrug pattern with a guide for big girls like me ;)


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