
Wednesday, May 21, 2014

Painting and crafting...

For about a month, this table was outside waiting to be painted, and I haven't crafted anything for a while. It was too warm and I wasn't inspired to work on this or start a project :p
Then a few days ago, I resolved to stop procrastinating. I went ahead and painted this table like mad! I didn't really do a good job of sanding and painting and even accidentally spilled some paint...but finally its done and I have my project table back :)

My Project Table
Now this crafting corner needs a makeover...

Meanwhile, since I haven't been crafting recently...I would like to share my last favorite project.
Last March while my sister, my brother in-law, and my nephew were here on vacation, I got inspired to make something for my nephew. I was also then eager to work on recycled denim projects...and since there wasn't much time to make a crocheted item, I decided to do a denim book with crocheted appliques (project details on Ravelry).
Now that I don't see my nephew in person, I'm so glad to view pictures and videos of him taken by my Sis. This one she took when her son was trying to put his current favorite book in the pocket of his denim book. So cute!


  1. Awww!! I always wanted to make some kind of book for my guys, when they were little (but I never did). It looks like he loves his book, Mimi. You did a great job on it. And the table/desk looks good, too. I bet it feels like a brand new table now. :)

    1. Thank you, Tina...It does feel like I have a brand new table :)
      My nephew is such an adorable little guy :)


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