The cap-sleeved cardigan design is another unfinished business. It has been accepted along with two other designs. But its becoming frustrating now that it has dragged on for more than a year. This isn't surprising though...
By the way, I've been making items to sell on consignment...I've actually been able to deliver some to my friend's new store here in Quezon City.
I don't know how to keep up making items, as I still haven't found a crochet worker around here. I'm not so inclined to spend that much time...not knowing what items would sell, and not quite sure how to price it...but I'm really thankful for this opportunity.

In the meantime I think I should work more on wearable designs...before I change my mind again :p
Oh...and there's more unfinished business - in my would-be craftroom. Which brings me back on all the above unfinished businesses. Because most of the things I want to accomplish for my craftroom requires some spending! hahahah....