Lately my favorites are: American Idol, Rachel Ray, Ellen, and some old sitcoms like Seinfeld and Friends.
Last night my younger son and I watched the Celebrity Apprentice, which we look forward to every week. (Its last year's Celebrity Apprentice...)
I'm hoping I could pick up some tips on how to think out of the box.
Since the program is very interesting, I managed to crochet only a few rows of the shrug I'm making ;)
Favorite Flip flops?

This should be it, since its comfortable and durable. I think its quite pricey, and overrated. I couldn't afford to buy it yet... However, my son got it for me ;)
Favorite Theme
For some years I have neglected the appearance of my bedroom. (Btw, bedroom for me is also computer and work station, supplies and yarn storage room) It now badly needs a makeover!
Before I can actually have it painted and decorated, (1) I will have to set aside a budget...right now, I only have a small fraction of what I need to do a real makeover. (2) I will have to do a lot of decluttering and cleaning myself.
(3) I will have to decide on the color and theme.
The last one would be the easiest to do, so I'll start with that ;) One of my favorite colors is green, and the theme that I would love is nature. Maybe a flower garden, or just leaves...I'm not sure yet.
With the little budget I have, I decided to do some shopping. A bit impulsive I know, but when I was over at Etsy last Wednesday, I browsed and found a couple of items for my theme. I bought this piece of fabric, and this piece of metal charm. Don't know how I could use it, but who knows it might spark some creativity...I also collected pictures of nature-inspired rooms: