First of all, I avoid commercial products as much as I can.
I am still looking for a natural and inexpensive substitute for commercial soap and shampoo, and I still use the ones readily available at the grocery. But for deodorant, when I feel I need it, I just use a little baking soda.
My main tip now is to USE WHATEVER YOU HAVE IN YOUR KITCHEN, that in one way or another someone has already tried as a beauty treatment. Just
Google it, and you'll find what you need to apply it.
For example, here at home we now have a good supply of Papaya. My father and brother have planted lots of papaya trees, and now regularly harvest the fruit.
I googled
papaya beauty treatments.
There is so much information to be found, but for now these are the ones I tried:
Papaya and Coconut Oil hair spa
After eating a generous serving of delicious papaya, I scooped some of it to a small bowl, and mashed it with about a teaspoon of coconut oil. Coconut oil has long been used as a hair treatment. And I read that papaya and coconut oil can be used to condition dry hair. So before I shampooed I applied the mixture to my scalp and hair. It was so soothing!
Papaya facial
While I was waiting for the papaya conditioner to work wonders on my hair, I thought... I could still use the papaya peel!... so I searched and found this tip:
Rub inner peel of ripe papaya over face and neck. Wash off with tap water, and wipe with a soft towel after 15 minutes. This leaves a cool, fresh, Feel on the face for hours. Regular use, will make the skin soft and glowing.
I tried the tip right away and it sure did make my skin soft and smooth. I also had a cold, so the pampering really worked to make me feel better :)
Btw, this is our one and only horse, Petra. She lives on my father's farm lot ;)