I'm now going to talk about real food, not a crocheted omelette ;)
Tina can crochet an omelette if she's in the mood, she did make some cupcakes,
burgers and fries from yarn :D
Well, I just want to show here one of my breakfast specialties. Its a quick omelette that my sons like and I serve it once a week. Other times we dont eat breakfast...hehe... (fried eggs and toast is our old standby)
Here it is in the pan almost done:

Now, for the all important presentation...voila!

We eat it with garlic fried rice (leftover rice from dinner, fried with minced garlic).
And while I'm on the topic of breakfast, here's what my younger son made one Saturday morning when I was too lazy to prepare anything. He is so happy with his "creation" he asked me to take a photo. (But he doesnt know I'm showing it here now :)

Its a crepe, filled with sliced peaches from a can. The syrup is Hershey's lite syrup (I didnt like its taste, so I put jam on top of my crepe).
Oh, and on the crocheting news... I'm still joining the two columns of the cardigan, or the first 10 motifs, so 42 more to go :O