The pics here were from my brothers. The photo above, though, was taken by me, at home :)
There was a roving photographer at Ocean Park and they sell the photos mounted on the ceramic plate and 2 extra copies for quite an expensive amount. But of course, we couldnt resist...

First day, just outside the hotel at one corner, we were all looking at a map and my father and brothers making sure that mom and me dont get lost shopping :p
On the second day, we went on tour to Ocean Park. This was the day that I enjoyed the most!

The first picturesque site we saw:
Then, we had to go up the hill and it wasnt really easy even with this very long escalator. We had to go up on four of these!

All rides are included in the entrance fee, but we werent crazy enough to ride any...
Before lunch, we watched the sea lions and dolphins show.
Somehow, we got unlucky picking a place to eat there, the buffet was all reserved so we had to walk downhill to another restaurant. I think this is just a small fraction of what we traveled on by foot, or maybe because I was too tired and hungry, I felt it was endless...
After eating, we went to see the jellyfishes and went around the biggest aquarium.
One of the sharks we saw up-close.

These are the cable cars at Ocean Park, we were inside one when this pic was taken. Not a pleasant ride at all!
On the third day we went by bus and ferry boat to Lantau island to see the big Buddha. It was raining hard, so we werent able to take much photos.
At the pier, with my brother:
Last day, more shopping (and by shopping I mean looking at all the wonderful things there is to buy, but hardly able to buy anything)! Then we had to go home.
After checking in, we had a lot of time to view the HK airport. It was marvelous!